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Board Of Directors

Mr. Ankit Shailesh Mehta

Chairman and Managing Director

Mr. Ankit Shailesh Mehta, aged 34 years, is one of the Promoter, Chairman and Managing Director of our Company. Heholds a bachelor’s degree in Technology (Chemical Engineering) from Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management &Engineering. He also holds a Master’s degree in business administration in Technology Management from Mukesh PatelSchool of Technology Management & Engineering. He is associated with Tuvan Enterprises LLP as the Designated Partnerfrom February, 2014, he has contributed in toy production and distribution. He was associated with Robotrix TechnologiesLLP as Designated Partner from October 31, 2014 to June 30, 2018, he was leader in handling key responsibilities,contributing to the growth of the LLP in toy industry. Currently, he is associated with Profoods Nutrition Private Limitedsince May 18, 2020 as the Founder, First Director and Subscriber to Memorandum of Association of the Company and isresponsible for strategic leadership, synergy creation, team collaboration and innovation in the product dealings and overallbusiness operations in re-packing of health supplements in smaller quantities. He is also associated with Easy Raw MaterialsPrivate Limited since December 14, 2020 as the First Director and Subscriber to Memorandum of Association of theCompany and has shown leadership in cross functional teams across group companies and has implemented innovativebusiness models and is looking after overall business operations in the nutraceutical and health supplement industry, he alsointends to enter the manufacturing of nutraceutical products through Easy Raw Materials Private Limited being Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of our Company. He was also associated with Moksha Lifecare Private Limited as an Additional Directorfrom December, 2022 to July, 2024, he was responsible for strategic growth and operational efficiency in food supplements.Currently, he is also associated with Vinstar Biotech Private Limited since March 16, 2023 as First Director and Subscriberto Memorandum of Association of the Company and is responsible for strategic leadership, operational Management,Business collaboration, Product and Service Development, Market expansion and overall business operations in the healthsupplementary industry. He was appointed as the first Executive Director of our Company from the time of Company’sIncorporation since March 06, 2020 and subsequently was re-designated as the Chairman and Managing Director with effectfrom November 15, 2024 and he is the subscriber to memorandum of association and a Shareholder in our Company and inProfoods Nutrition Private Limited, Vinstar Biotech Private Limited and Easy Raw Materials Private Limited. He isresponsible for managing our company’s strategic direction, ensuring sustained growth and operational efficiency innutraceutical industry. He has 11 years of work experience in toy production including 4 years of work experience in thenutraceutical Industry in which our Company operates.

Ms. Parul Shailesh Mehta

Executive Director

Ms. Parul Shailesh Mehta, aged 64 years, is one of the Promoter and Executive Director of our company. She holds abachelor’s degree in Science (Special) from Bhavnagar University. She has also been awarded a certificate in MedicalLaboratory Technology from Tuberculosis Research centre of K. J. Mehta T. B. Hospital, Amargadh. She is associated withM/s. Chemkart (sole proprietorship) from October 2015 till now and she is handling the overall business operations whichincludes procurement, sales, logistics, quality check and compliances in nutraceutical industry. She is associated withProfoods Nutrition Private Limited since May 18, 2020 as the First Director and Subscriber to Memorandum of Associationof the Company and is responsible for brand strategy, Partnership development, resource optimization, product lineexpansion for health focused product lines. She is also associated with Easy Raw Materials Private Limited since January30, 2023 as the Director of the Company and is responsible for strategic marketing leadership and supplier and clientengagement in the nutraceutical and health supplement sector. She is also associated with Vinstar Biotech Private Limitedsince March 16, 2023 as the First Director and subscriber to Memorandum of Association and is responsible for innovativemarketing leadership, brand building and visibility, partnership development and check market trend and take insights onthe same in the health supplement industry. She was appointed as the first Director (Executive Director) of our Companyfrom the time of Company’s Incorporation since March 06, 2020 and she is the subscriber to memorandum of association inour Company. She has 9 years of experience in the nutraceutical industry in which our company operates. In our Companyshe is responsible for strategic market leadership, business expansion initiatives etc. in nutraceutical and food supplementsector.

Mr. Shailesh Vinodrai Mehta

Executive Director

Mr. Shailesh Vinodrai Mehta, aged 66 years, is one of the Promoter and Executive Director of our Company. He holds abachelor’s degree in commerce from University of Bombay. He is associated with Chemical Scientific Centre (formerlyknown as Atul Chemicals), a Proprietorship concern which is in the business of chemical sector since 2007. He is responsiblefor overall growth of proprietorship in chemical sector and is responsible for business expansion, strategic growth, qualitycheck and operational management. He was appointed as an additional director on the Board of our Company on July 04,2024 and regularised as an Executive Director with effect from September 30, 2024. He has 17 years of work experience inchemical sector which includes 6 months of experience in nutraceutical and food supplement sector.

Mr. Rajesh Kalro

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Rajesh Kalro, aged 43 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He holds a bachelor’s degreein Science from D. G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce. Further he has completed Post Graduate Diplomain Business Administration from Indian Education Society’s Management College, Mumbai. He was associated with AdlabsFilms Limited as a Management Trainee – Finance from March 2006 to March 2007, he was also associated with CRISILLimited as an Executive Analyst from May 2007 to September 2008, he was also associated with Mahindra & MahindraLimited as the Finance Manager, Mahindra 2-Wheeler Sector from September 2008 to March 2011, He was also associatedwith Imagicaaworld Entertainment Limited from March 2011 to June 2017 as Vice President – Accounts and Finance.Further he was also associated with Mumbai Mantra Media Limited from July 2017 to March 2021 as Vice President -Finance, He was also associated with Cinestaan Digital Private Limited and Cinestaan Film Company Private limited forproviding consultancy services related to finance w.e.f. July, 2017 to December, 2022. He is also associated with BuxaoutAdvisory LLP since January 2023 and is still in association. He has been appointed as the Non-Executive IndependentDirector in our Company w.e.f. January 13, 2025 for a term of 3 years. He has a total experience of 17 years in the fields ofFinance.

Mr. Anirudh Ruia

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Anirudh Ruia, aged 34 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He holds Bachelor’s degree in Financial Markets from University of Mumbai. In his previous and current stint, he is associated with Madhav MotorStores Private Limited from April 2014 and looks after overall affairs of the Business of the Company. He has a totale xperience of 10 years in Petrochem industry, He has been appointed as the Non-executive Independent Director in Picture post Studios Limited with effect from January 24, 2024. He has been appointed as the Non-Executive Independent Director in our Company w.e.f. November 15, 2024 for a term of 3 years.

Mr. Abhishek Kamdar

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Abhishek Kamdar, aged 34 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He holds Bachelor’s of Engineering degree from University of Mumbai and holds Post Graduate in Management from The Indian school of Business. In his previous stint he was associated with Rothschild (India) Private Limited as an intern in Global Financial Advisory Division from June 2012 to April 2014. He is also appointed as director in Auto Hanger Advantage Private Limited and handles operations and strategies to expand the business and he is also as an independent director in Blue Chip Tex Industries Limited since 2022 and he is also serving as a Chairman of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee in the Company and still is in association. He is also associated with Casablanca Outsourcing LLP from November 2012 to December 2015 as a Designated Partner and was re-appointed since April 2023 and still is in association,he is responsible for mutual fund distribution and wealth management, marketing and operations and also serving as a Designated Partner in Value Plus Advisors LLP from April 2014 to December 2015 and was re-appointed since August 2016and is still in association, he is responsible for areas of strategies, operations, Human Resource and Finance. He has been appointed as the Non-Executive Independent Director in our Company w.e.f. January 13, 2025 for a term of 3 years.